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Modular, Declarative Stack Design


Currently, each stack is written as a Dagger Plan

dagger.#Plan & {
client: {
filesystem: {
"...": read: contents: dagger.#FS
"...": write: contents: actions.up.outputYaml.output
commands: kubeconfig: {
name: "cat"
args: ["\(env.KUBECONFIG)"]
stdout: dagger.#Secret
env: {

actions: {
up: {
outputYaml: output: string

installIngress: {...}

installNocalhost: {
ingressIP: installIngress.output.IP

The problem with this design is that it is hard to compose Stacks. For example, I want to compose two Stacks, one is deploying serverless apps and another is installing middleware software like nginx, into one stack. Currently there is no way to put two Dagger plans into one Dagger plan.


To make composition of Stacks, we need to redesign a Stack to be a module. We can run a Stack module using hln, and a Stack can import other Stacks as modules.

Here is what a Stack module would look like:

input: {
env: {
commands: {
kubeconfig: {
name: "cat"
args: ["\(env.KUBECONFIG)"]
stdout: h8r.#Secret
files: {
"...": read: contents: h8r.#FS
"...": write: contents: actions.up.outputYaml.output

// This is the fields that we will read directly from `app.yaml`
config: {
image: string
deploy: {
cmd: [...string]
port: int

output: {
// This is the fields that we will write to `.hln/output.yaml`
local: {
ingressIP: string
ingressPort: int
ingressHost: string
ingressURL: string

up: {
installIngress: {
installNocalhost: {
ingressIP: installIngress.IP

Basically, a stack is a module that has input and output, and does a bunch of stuff under the hood.

How does it work to run a Stack

When we run hln up for a stack, it basically renders it into a Dagger Plan. The input and output will be rendered into client sections, and up will be rendered into actions sections.

A special case is that we can keep input.config as is and fill it with fields from app.yaml.

Reusing Stacks

Let's say you have two stacks with the above format, called serverlessapp and middleware. You can compose them in the following way:

import (

input: {

output: {
url: up.installServerlessApp.output.url

up: {
installMiddleware: middleware.up
installServerlessApp: {
wait: installMiddleware.output.ready
up: serverlessapp.up
output: {
url: up.output.url

When we run hln up for this plan, only the above plan will be rendered to a Dagger plan. Both serverlessapp and middleware will be served as modules.
